Monday, February 28, 2005

honorary missionaries... there's a few angels who have helped me be better in the last 3 months, let alone the last 3 years. i honor them today.

A devoted friend, a loving daughter, a dedicated pro-lifer, a disciplined worker, and a demure at heart, Debbie continues to reinvent herself. Such high praises surely mean her no harm but rest assured she will offer you more than the best of spoken word. She will share with you her very spirit... and maybe a sip of her favorite white wine. God's light in her will only grow, consuming all... and those who wish to purr with a tiger. NAMASTE!

"We are weaned from our timidity, in the flush of love's light. We dare be brave and suddenly we see that love costs all we are and will ever be. Yet it is only love which sets us free." Maya Angelou

Relentless in his pursuit of more in life, and in love, this man remains solely God's personal work of art. He has inspired me to humble myself, driven me to do more for this work, and accepted me with a brotherly embrace. Passionate, determined and visionary, this prince keeps the guise of a pauper because Christ is enough for him.

Cheers for an avid SMB fan, a durian junkie and a sisig addict!!! Thank you, kUYA!

"We ought to do good to others as simply and as naturally as a horse runs, or a bee makes honey, or a vine bears grapes season after season without thinking of the grapes it has borne." Marcus Aurelius

"Cause ever since I tried trying not to find every little meaning in my life it's been fine. I've been cool With my new golden rule." John Mayer

Engaging eyes and even haircuts may make Efren's life somewhat effervescent (huh?) but what he has done for the better part of my life was to echo truth --about my life, my loves, my pains, my smiles. Empowered, i owe much to his effort to bring me closer to divine design. A dear brother in arms, he is as real as they come, no buts & no ifs. A winter creature, the epitomy of lean, he is as humble as pie, hardworking as an ox.

Of course, evil lurks behind him in the form of sugary maple Krispy Kremes, and sleepless vigils... joKe3 pare! BUTCHEEE, you empower me!

i know there's more of you out there. each person i have been fated to meet became a gift, big & small, a blessing in fleshly guise. preach to me your care in the strength of presence, and the kind caress of active listening. the wind can blow when & where it wants, but i thank YOU today, this way.


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